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Lynden equipment uniquely suited to Prudhoe Bay projects

Tue, Mar 04, 2025

aspen_tilt_deck_trailerThis photo was taken at 10:30 a.m. In January, Lynden employees working in Prudhoe Bay have around two hours of daylight. December 21 is the longest day without light during the winter. Sunrise is around noon in January.

Lynden Oilfield Services is busy supporting customers in Prudhoe Bay this winter. According to Roger Wilson, Business Development Manager, a new 12-foot Aspen tilt-deck trailer is coming in handy. "This is the first time we have hauled the Taylor forklift out to the ConocoPhillips Willow project using our own equipment," he says. Lynden is supporting both the Willow and Alpine projects for ConocoPhillips.

Lynden’s fleet of six PB600 heavy haul PistenBullys are also busy delivering a variety of freight to customers in Arctic villages and other locations without road access. Custom-built sleighs allow the snowcats to pull oversized freight, vehicles and just about anything else needed to support businesses in the Arctic. Driver Adam Landa is shown below preparing for a cargo trip to Glacier Oil and Gas located in Badami on the North Slope.

Adam Landa with Snowcat in PBY 12-24


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