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Everyday Hero Profile: Barbara Kluever

Wed, Aug 21, 2024

Lynden is recognizing employees who make a difference every day on the job and demonstrate our core values, Lynden's very own everyday heroes! Employees are nominated by managers and supervisors from all roles within the Lynden family of companies.

Introducing Barbara Kluever, Equipment Control Manager at LTI, Inc. in Sunnyside, Washington. 


Name: Barbara Kluever

Company: LTI, Inc.

Location: Sunnyside, WA

Title: Equipment Control Manager

On the Job Since: 2002

Superpower: Kindness

Hometown: Toppenish, WA

Favorite Movie: The Martian

Bucket List Destination: Ireland

For Fun:  Boating and fishing

How and when did you start working for Lynden/LTI, Inc.? 
I started as a temporary employee on October 17, 2002, then was hired part-time starting in 2003 and later moved to full-time that year. I had signed up for a few temp agencies and was looking for something part-time as my kids were still pretty young (12 and 10) and I wanted to be home with them after school. I had never heard of LTI, Inc. but I took the temp position. Back then Office Manager Sherry Northrop and Administrative Assistant Wendy Walkenhauer were in the office. They needed someone ASAP. I was brought on to enter mileage (data entry only) and soon they added farm pickup milk data entry, then working on the special commodity Bills of Lading (BOL). They kept giving me more to do, and I kept getting everything done timely and accurately. After the busy harvest season, I was thinking they would let me go, but the Regional Manager Allen Gunderson told me he would like to offer me a job. I gladly accepted as long as I could remain part-time. He told me that I had brought balance and a happier, more peaceful atmosphere to the office. I was very happy to hear that. I kept taking on anything and everything. I love to work hard and be a team player.

What is a typical day like for you?
I love getting to the office early in the morning, and I’m usually working by 7 a.m. If I can get in earlier, I will. I enjoy getting my coffee and getting the day started before the phones start ringing and everyone else is around. I stay busy with licensing, permitting and tracking equipment. I help our director of maintenance with reporting to determine what equipment should be replaced and all of the little jobs that go along with keeping our large fleet compliant. I love people, so I walk out to the shop and check on things that are going on with equipment, and just touching base with the Maintenance team.

What has been most challenging in your career?
Making the transition from Office Manager in 2020 (amidst Covid) to the new position of Equipment Control Manager. It’s been four years and I am still learning.

What are you most proud of in your career?
I am most proud of my connection to people. I’ve worked hard and I have made a lot of friends over the years, drivers, admin, maintenance and managers. I love people and was the key HR contact for our area for many years… people still reach out to me for HR-related issues. I refer them on, but it’s great to hear from them. 

Can you tell us about your family and growing up years?
I was born and raised in Toppenish, WA by my grandparents who were much older, and it gave me great appreciation for their generation. I believe many of my core values and morals stem from being raised by them. I spent time with my mother, stepdad and siblings on the weekends and had a lot of fun with them. 

I have two grown children. My daughter, Megan, worked for LTI, Inc. for many years. Megan is now a Surgical Technologist, which she loves. My son, Kyle, works for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) as a Civil Engineer. He was doing Mechanical Engineering in Seattle for several years but decided he would rather be on this side of the mountains and moved closer to home. Both kids were very active in school, sports, drama, extra-curricular everything which kept me very busy through the years.

As a kid, my hobbies were anything playing outside. I loved baseball, soccer, football, skateboarding, riding my bike, swimming… I was very active. The neighbor across the street from my childhood home had an extra lot, all grass, and all the neighborhood kids gathered there to play games like Red Rover, Red Rover and Red Light, Green Light. We stayed outside until our parents made us come in. During the winter we would slide down the street on the icy road, just having a blast. I liked school, but never played sports in school. I was tall and the basketball coaches begged me to play, but I never did. I was a good student but never really pushed myself academically. I was a typical B student. If someone would have pushed me or encouraged me, I think I could have done better. I was in choir and was in a select choir all through high school. I was so nervous when I auditioned. I assumed I would never get in. Maximum Blues was the name of the choir, and we had a lot of fun. We got to go places for competitions, and spent a week just touring around the state in a bus staying at other choir members’ houses.

What was your first job? 
Babysitting as early as I can remember, but the first job where I received a paycheck was sorting cherries at Scarlett Fruit. I was 13 and spent the summer working there. I remember trying to sleep at night and feeling the motion of the cherry belt, like I was still there working.

What would surprise most people about you?
I am generally an open book. They may be surprised to learn that I love fishing, I’m a girly girl most of the time – nails, hair, love to dress up and go out – but when I get out on that boat and have a fish tugging my line, I’m a whole other person! 

How do you spend your time outside of work? 
Fishing and boating when we can. This time of year, we enjoy spending time in the pool, swimming, or just kicking back on floaties enjoying the sun. Also, this is my first year with a decent-sized garden, so we’re learning about all of that, too. Hopefully it will yield us a bountiful harvest. 

I always had a dog and a cat while growing up. I had a Manx cat named Bobby (due to her bobbed tail). She was an awesome pet. As a small child we had a Corgi mix named Star, and he was a very smart dog. Once I had my own place, we’ve had German Shepherds. They are wonderful dogs, and my dog, Tasha, is so special. I wish they could live forever.

I am a big sports fan. I love football (Go Seahawks!) and have always been a hockey fan (Go Kraken!). I would love to attend a Kraken game this year.

What do you like best about your job?
I love the people! That will always be my favorite thing. I also love the company that I work for and Lynden as a whole. I have been very blessed over the years. I hope to have many more years to come and retire at a ripe old age. 

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