Topics from this blog: Alaska Multi-Modal Community
We are looking for motivated, talented, and career-oriented individuals in a variety of positions.
Over land, air or sea, Lynden companies help the Girl Scouts of Alaska transport thousands of pounds of cookies each year for its annual fundraiser. "We have been helping the Girl Scouts for about 20 years. It's a large undertaking but we have honed it down to a fine art," says Customer Service Manager Cindi Thomas in Anchorage. Cindi is responsible for keeping track of the paperwork each year for the multiple shipments coming into Anchorage. This year, five trailer loads of cookies were shipped from Fife, WA to Anchorage on TOTE. From there, Lynden employees take over, receiving orders from Girl Scout contacts to count each case of cookies, sort, palletize and deliver them to various locations. "This year we ended up restacking more than 300 pallets to 10 different Alaska locations," Cindi explains. "Lynden companies are essential links in our supply chain," says Rae Ratliff of Girl Scouts of Alaska. "We send a huge thank you for donating the safe delivery and transport of cookies to Alaska."
Topics from this blog: Alaska Multi-Modal Community
We are looking for motivated, talented, and career-oriented individuals in a variety of positions.